Hello, and welcome to Bookish and Beyond!

I am Jerry Jenkins, a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering based in the United States. I enjoy books (obviously), science (obviously), animals, coffee, philosophy, video games, writing, and other oftentimes pretentious activities. I decided to start this blog as an outlet for my own creative ideas and conversations. Essentially, I will post anything I find interesting: book reviews, science-based learning and discussion articles, commentaries on video games and culture, and probably more.

I frequently come across articles that aim to guide someone to convert their blog into a source of income. That sounds abysmal. The tax system is hard enough without adding something else onto my incomes, I’m busy enough as it is, and I frankly do not want the obligation to create things for money. Instead, I want to use this platform and the 0-3 people who read my posts to start conversations, whether it be intellectually or for entertainment. I’m not a spectacular writer, I’m not some sort of unrecognized genius – I’m a depressed student with a lot of ideas in my head that I want to share. So, if you find an article you enjoy, or think I should write about a certain topic, message me. If you feel like I’ve earned some sort of monetary contribution from you, buy yourself something nice instead. Or give it to me, and I will buy 1) books, 2) coffee, or 3) donate it to a charity. Regardless, have a good time, and feel free to start a discussion. Happy reading!

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